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Poem Pick: Difficulty accessing variables

I realized this morning that I need the displayPoem function to have both the selectedAuthor and the selectedTitle parameters to pick the correct poem. Since lots of poem titles have been used more than once. At first I thought selectAuthor would be stored in...

Idea Machines

Building apps means building idea machines and connecting them together into larger idea machines. But what is an idea machine? And how does building idea machines relate to building meaning?

Poem Pick

This was originally Poem Jumbler. But I want to build something simpler first. Poem Pick allows the user to pick the poems. Poem Jumbler would be the same as Poem Pick but with the added functionality of being able to jumble poems by lines, and possibly also by words...

Poem Jumbler

Description: Initial display is a the title Poem Jumbler and then a search bar and then a list of author names in four columns. User searches for a specific author name and clicks on the name. Then the list of author names is replaced by a list of poem titles. User...

Poem builder

Description Top part of the screen has the poem that is being built. Beneath that is a message and a search bar and a small box that says “Input line # here to choose a poem line”. Beneath that is (initially) a list (in four columns) of all the poets. In...